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About us

The story behind Dazzle

After years of working in the sustainability consulting world, we co-founded Dazzle. Our mission is to make sustainability expertise more (financially) accessible by matching the best sustainability freelancers to the organizations who need their support. 

Dazzle By The Numbers

Everything you need to know about the Dazzle Community

100 +

Vetted freelancers in our community

5 - Step

Vetting system to ensure high-quality freelancers

20 Hours

Weekly average availability of our freelancers

12 years

Average working experience


Dazzle [noun] - A group of zebras 

Why zebras? The term was coined as part of a new wave of startups with the nickname. Zebras represent the black and white of business. Zebras refer to startups that aim to make profit, while also making societal impact. Since our platform doesn’t necessarily make the impact, but our freelancers do. We unite under this name.

Our Values

What we stand for.


We are committed to building trusted relationships with our freelancers, clients, and partners.


We understand that sustainability is a rapidly evolving field, and we are dedicated to staying ahead of the curve.


We foster a collaborative and supportive environment where freelancers and organizations can connect, share knowledge, and collaborate.

The Team Behind Dazzle

We're happy to connect. 

Photo LI

Robert Smith

Co - Founder


Anje de Jager

Co - Founder


Dazzle Community

100+ freelancers


Contact Us

Our team is happy to support you on your sustainability journey. We help you scope what needs to be done, match you to the best possible freelancer, and achieve your goals.