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How to Choose the Right Sustainability Manager for Your Business: 9 Things to Consider

Business person standing at office window throwing documents in the air.

We would strongly recommend, for any company that takes long-term success seriously, to also take sustainability management seriously. (That must surely be every company on earth then?).

Because sustainability really is no joke these days! If you want to impress your customers, employees, investors and other key stakeholders, your sustainability performance better be up to scratch. If you want to comply with new regulations like the CSRD or Green Claims Directive, you better have a genuinely impressive sustainability story to tell. 

To make sure you do, it’s imperative that you put the right sustainability manager, or managers in place. 

There are many different types of sustainability managers available today, each focusing on optimizing different areas of sustainability. And depending on your company’s unique circumstances, the sustainability management structure that works best will differ. 

By considering the following factors, you can make sure that you get it right.

Five office workers sitting around desk with blackboard behind them.

1. Understand Your Exact Needs  

What exactly are you looking to address here sustainability-wise? 

As we mentioned, many different types of sustainability managers exist. Environmental sustainability managers focus on environmental impact specifically for example. Sustainable product managers on creating sustainable products. CSR managers focus on the social side of things. Or you could hire a general sustainability manager to focus on everything!

So before you move any further with your sustainability manager search, make sure to have a good think about exactly what it is you need help with. 

In our article about why you should hire a sustainability manager, we offer more detailed advice about when you should consider hiring each type.

Once you know which managers you’re targeting, you should consider the remaining factors below during each hiring process. 

2. Impressive Track Record 

More so than degrees, certificates, or any kind of qualifications, the first thing you should check up on when hiring a sustainability manager is their track record. 

How have they performed in their past roles? Have they delivered many successful projects? 

Don’t be afraid to ask for references and contact them to find the answers to these questions. It’s the best way to really understand what each candidate can contribute to your organization.

3. Education and Expertise 

We said a strong track record is more important than degrees, but of course, education and expertise are still relevant. 

Each sustainability manager candidate should hold a degree related to their area of focus. A general sustainability manager might hold a degree in sustainability management for example. Or an energy manager may have studied something like resource management. 

Candidates should also have a solid grasp of the specific sustainability challenges and opportunities related to their role. 

As well as a general understanding of key sustainability topics such as climate change mitigation, resource efficiency, renewable energy, circular economy principles, environmental regulations, life cycle assessment, and stakeholder engagement. 

4. Project Management Ability 

Managing sustainability initiatives effectively requires organizational and project management skills. 

Increasingly, sustainability management is becoming all about deadlines. CSRD reports must be submitted by a certain date, targets must be reached by a certain year. And we don’t want a sustainability manager who can’t hit these deadlines do we!?

So before hiring any sustainability manager, you should make sure they are adept at managing projects from inception to timely completion. 

5. Communication Skills

To make sure these kinds of projects are a success, your sustainability manager(s) will have to work across multiple departments. So they’ll have to be a strong and effective communicator. 

This skill will also come in handy when they’re promoting sustainability initiatives, and explaining sustainability concepts, both internally and externally.

6. Cultural Fit

Beyond being a great communicator, if you hire a sustainability manager, you’ll want them to mesh perfectly with your organization as a whole. 

Their approach should fit yours, their values should line up. They should wholeheartedly believe in your vision and mission. 

Basically, they should fit your company like a glove. (A glove made from 100% sustainable materials, of course).

7. Analytical/Strategic Mind 

Each type of sustainability manager will need to be able to analyze sustainability metrics and performance data. If they can’t, we don’t see those sustainability initiatives going too well! 

As this skill is essential for developing relevant and effective strategies, tracking progress, and reporting results. So when considering different candidates, make sure they have it in abundance. 

Competent managers should also have a strategic mindset, so that they can align sustainability initiatives with the company’s overall business objectives. 

(No sustainability initiative can be a success if it doesn’t also work financially).

8. Cost/Value 

Speaking of financially, no sustainability manager can be a success if you can’t afford to hire them! 

So when you’re making your choices, obviously keep your budget in mind, and try to find the best value possible. 

Assess how much each candidate is likely to cost, but also carefully consider the return on investment.

9. Consider an Interim Sustainability Manager

To maximize return on investment, many companies lately have been going the interim sustainability manager route.

That’s because interim sustainability managers offer the same knowledge and expertise as their full-time counterparts, but with added benefits such as cost-effectiveness and flexibility. 

This means you can hire any type of sustainability manager on an interim basis, just when you need them. They can come in, add value when it’s needed, and then when the job is done, you can stop paying them! One great example is hiring an interim CSRD manager.

This also makes this option perfect for when you need maternity or sick leave cover. It’s easy to hire an interim sustainability manager during these periods to seamlessly bridge the expertise gap. 

Okay, we say it’s easy, but that’s only because this is our specialty! 

You’ve read this far because you want to find the right solution for sustainability management? Well in that respect, Dazzle’s got you covered. 

Two business people shaking hands over wooden table and smiling.

Hire Top-Tier Interim Sustainability Managers Through Dazzle

Dazzle is a platform that offers the world’s best sustainability freelancers on-demand. 

If you’re looking to hire any combination of sustainability managers, we have many options for you to choose from. 

We have every type of interim sustainability manager available, and they all come with a proven track record, because we carefully pre-screen all of our freelancers. 

We also make the process super flexible, allowing you to work with our freelancers on a project-based, on-demand, or interim basis.

If you contact us today, we can quickly send you a list of sustainability manager options to suit your specific needs. 

We’re on our own sustainability journey here at Dazzle, and our main goal, is to help you with yours.