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Dazzle Services

Work with pre-screened sustainability freelancers for on-demand- or interim support to achieve your sustainability goals faster. 

On-Demand Sustainability Freelancers

We support our clients with 'Staff On Demand' (SOD) through tailored matchmaking.

Describe what you are looking for, and we will follow up with profiles you could match with. 

Interim Sustainablity Management

Hire an interim manager to help with any sustainability projects, cover maternity leave, or support your team for on a structural basis. 

Describe your ideal candidate, and we will follow up with your matched profiles.

The Different Options For Collaboration

Most Popular


Interim Sustainability Management

- Dedicated sustainability expert(s)
- Fixed amount of hours per month
- Clear and predictable budget
- Suitable for maternity cover
- Clear and transparent terms
- Hiring-speed <5 days
Group 5 (3)

Frequently Asked Questions

We want to do business ethically, and have therefore decided to have a transparant business model.

Our services are two-fold. Dazzle provides services for both organizations and our freelancers. For organizations, we curated an exclusive community of vetted top-tier sustainability freelancers. For our freelancer community, we offer projects which are ready to work on and perfectly in line with their skillset. 

Our two-service business model is also reflected in our business model. In an ideal project set-up we charge both the freelancer and the client a small matchmaking-fee. 

In reality, there are cases where we have to deviate from this "ideal'' business model. In fact, for Dazzle, the following two criteria are the most important: 

1) That we stay within the client's budget.
2) That the freelancer is 100% comfortable at the rate at which work is being done. 

All of our proposals are created based on the custom needs of our clients. We don’t have fixed project prices, as we work on a case-by-case basis.

However, to be as transparent as possible, we can share that the average hourly rate of our freelancers is €125. It’s important to note that we have freelancers worldwide, who have different levels of seniority and each bring their own expertise.

  • We have a 4-step process:
    1. Freelancers submit an online application form which is open to everyone. 
    2. We review the applicants and make a selection based on their hard skills. We ask the applicants to indicate their area(s) of expertise.
    3. We invite the selected freelancers to a case study interview where they’re asked to present a project plan based on a fictional client challenge. In this interview, we score them based on 10 Dazzle criteria, which include both hard and soft skills.
    4. The top-tier freelancers are admitted to the Dazzle freelancer community. Once accepted, the first step is to fill in our skills inventory as part of the onboarding process. This detailed breakdown of their expertise and experience feeds into our matchmaking algorithm. We have a half-human half-algorithmic approach to matchmaking. Based on the top matches for technical expertise, we select the freelancer(s) who we think will make the best culture fit for an introduction meeting with the client.

We purposely looked for freelancers who specialize in both the breadth and depth of sustainability. Given the diversity of our community, we can support almost any sustainability challenge. Here is an overview of some of the topics on which we can confidently support:
    • Sustainability reporting
    • Regulatory compliance
    • Circularity
    • Sustainability communications
    • ESG/Sustainability Reporting
    • ESG Ratings & Certifications
    • Sustainability Strategy Development
    • Sustainability Strategy Implementation
    • Training and knowledge transfer
    • Climate Action
    • Human rights & social impact
    • Supplier management & sustainable procurement
    • & more...

Contact us for more information. 

We also facilitate collaboration between freelancers. If you have a project that requires multiple areas of expertise, or a project team to tackle the scope of work, we form a team of Dazzle freelancers to support you.

We follow a 4-step process
    1. Discover
    2. Scope
    3. Offer
    4. Match

This entire process can happen in approx. 2 weeks depending on the specificity of the request. The clearer the project scope, the quicker the match.

We work in 4 easy steps: 
    1. Discover → During an introduction call, we’ll take the time to understand your case and how we can help.
    2. Scope → In this phase we get to the core of your challenge. You will receive the profiles that are best capable of support.
    3. Offer → Select and meet your match(es) to receive a detailed proposal based on the confirmed scope of work.
    4. Match → Confirm your match and start working directly with the professional assigned to your project.

The most common ways of working with Dazzle are:
    • Retainer
      • Dedicated sustainability expert(s) who will be available for support
      • Fixed amount of hours per week/month
      • Suitable for interim positions
      • Clarity and prediction in availability and budget
      • Example: Working with an expert to support 20 hours per week for a period of 6 months to cover the maternity leave of your Sustainability Director.
    • Project-based
      • Dedicated sustainability expert(s) who will be available for support
      • Work with individual freelancers or a team
      • Clear project kick-off and deliverable
      • Outcome-based pricing
      • Example: Working with an expert to take the lead in the calculation of the organizational carbon footprint scope 1 & 2.
    • Hourly support
      • Advisory on specialized topics
      • On-demand sparring partner
      • Hours made are tracked on a timesheet
      • ‘Once-off’ support
      • Hourly-based pricing
      • Example: An organization ‘purchases’ 15 hours for support on TCFD, which can be used over 6 weeks.

Dazzle is your invoicing partner for all collaborations. We take care of the administrative process. That way, you don’t have to onboard individual freelancers into your procurement system, but you can work with one partner for all your sustainability needs. We will invoice you for the work being done, and our freelancers invoice us. Easy for everyone!

Expertly matched

We match you with the freelancer(s) best capable of supporting you.


Our freelancers will be onboarded to your team for as long as you need them.


Our freelancers are pre-screened and assessed on 10 Dazzle criteria.